How indian brands are going bananas over the Rahul Bose Moment and it’s hilarious.

7th is surprising in the list. Check out the banana hilarious post. #RahulBoseMoment We all have been in a situation where we had to pay an exorbitant price for particular goods or services that were definitely not worth the price. So when popular Bollywood actor Rahul Bose shared a picture of the price that he was charged for two bananas…

How Brands celebrated and wished Eid Mubarak on Social Media

A holy festival celebrated by Muslims that brings friends and families together, the month of Ramadan has been an important asset by brands to connect people online. It is a time where digital creativity from brands thrives resulting in some of the most brilliant and moving Ramadan posts. #EidMubarak has been trending on social media since yesterday, and it has…

How Brands Wished Mother’s Day On Social Media

Every year one of the most celebrated day globally is Mother’s Day.  We set aside generally, a whole day to honor, praise and celebrate with gifts for women who raised us. Every company has created the purposeful ads sending across the message along with the promotion of their brand. Mother Day 2018 Brands showed the relationship between mothers and their…

The Way Brands Wished Their Followers For Valentine’s Day

As we all know every year Valentine’s Day is celebrated on 14th On this day everyone tries to surprise or gift their loved one something which will make them feel special. Valentine’s Day can be celebrated with anyone be it your mother, father, friends or your better half. Valentine’s Day is the day of spreading love and happiness among all…

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