Digital Marketing Service For E-Commerce Store

The Indian e-commerce industry is skyrocketing on an upward growth trajectory and is expected to surpass the US to become the second largest e-commerce industry in the world. The increasing growth of Indian e-commerce industry is triggered by increasing internet and smartphone penetration. It is because of the internet and smartphones which are available at cheap prices in India, which every Indian can afford to buy. Buying anything with the help smartphone has become easy and affordable so it is a profitable and promising shopping platform for the retail industry in India. The total market value of Indian e-commerce industry is US$ 38.5 billion as of 2017 and it is expected to cross US$ 50 billion by 2018. The figure itself shows the significance of e-commerce stores in India. Due to the hopes of higher profitability in Indian e-commerce market and increasing awareness about the benefits of online purchasing, there has been a significant rise in investment in the e-commerce industry. But usage of internet is not the only factor responsible for the growth of the e-commerce industry. The other factor which has contributed to the essential growth of e-commerce in India is digital marketing.

How Has Digital Marketing Boosted The Growth Of E-Commerce In India?

In Indian e-commerce industry, the scope of the traditional marketing strategy is beneficial and affordable only to branded e-commerce stores like Flipkart, Amazon, Myntra etc. But in the digital market, anyone can afford to implement digital marketing strategy and still get better ROI. It is because the way of presentation is completely different in both the markets. In the traditional market, an e-commerce owner can advertise his e-commerce store through traditional marketing mediums like TV, newspaper, hoarding, pamphlets, print advertising etc. The reason why you should not prefer traditional marketing is that it brings very low ROI and does not give you historical data about your consumer’s response towards your e-commerce store. Once the traditional marketing strategy is set, you can neither alter it nor can you get historical data about your consumers. Therefore digital marketing service for e-commerce store becomes the best solution for you. It is because there are 462 active internet users in India along with 442 million smartphone users.

You should take digital marketing service for e-commerce store only from the leading digital marketing agency who follows the professional approach in planning and implementing digital marketing strategy for your e-commerce store.  There are 3 digital marketing strategies.

Digital Marketing For E-Commerce Store

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Digital Marketing Consultation

To Know More How We Can Built Digital Marketing Strategy For Your E-Commerce Store

Search Engine Marketing:

If you want your e-commerce website to grab the attention of your potential consumers on the first page of Google at the right time and right place, then SEM enables you to increase potential traffic visit to your website so that it can lead to increase in conversions. These ads appear with the logo of “Ad” beside its URL. SEM is the paid form of online marketing of products and services on Google. The pay per click system in SEM allows you to pay only when your target user actually clicks on your website. For example, Indians get holidays only on weekends so you can run your paid ads aggressively on Google and target only those people who are searching for products which you sell on your website. You can even run paid ads to give special discount on some specific products or on any other day of the festival in India. You can run your paid ads for specific products like clothing, kitchen accessories, electronics etc. With the help of SEM, you can get the quick conversions from day 1 itself as it is a short-term strategy. You can achieve the marketing goals like increased brand awareness, brand visibility, better ROI, potential traffic etc. with the help of SEM service for an e-commerce store.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

SEO is the website optimization technique to bring the website to the top of Google. Search engine optimization is a free form of marketing of products and services on Google. Therefore the digital marketing agency focuses on providing effective SEO service for an e-commerce store. SEO strategy, if planned and implemented effectively, it yields quality results which last longer in the form of top ranking of your e-commerce store website. With the help of effective SEO strategy, you can get the benefits of increased brand visibility, brand awareness, constant attention, better ROI, and competitive edge. For example, as 18100 people search for online shopping in Mumbai, even if 10% of those people visits your website, 1810 people will visit your website from which you can get maximum conversions for your e-commerce stores. So it’s a good start in digital market of the e-commerce industry. SEO is profitable when you want to maintain your online presence on Google for a longer period.

Social Media Marketing:

Social media marketing is the most influential platform to promote your business on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. It is because 226 million active internet users spend most of their daily time on social media sites. With the help of social media marketing service for an e-commerce store, you can post images and videos of the latest products available at your e-commerce store which will make your consumers aware of your brand. Efficient social media marketing strategy helps to achieve marketing goals like brand recognition, brand awareness, brand recall value, brand loyalty, high conversion etc.  You can build a strong relationship with your existing consumers by updating them with regards to new products available at your e-commerce store. You can run paid Facebook ads to target consumers as per their age, gender, demography, profession, and interest. Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube follows repetitive ads mechanism which helps to target the same consumers with repetitive ads. In a simple way, you can target only those users who show their interest in the specific products like clothing, electronics, accessories etc.

DigiManic follows a very professional approach in providing digital marketing service for e-commerce store in Mumbai. You can make your e-commerce store a successful one with help of our hard work and your goals.

To Know More How We Can Built Digital Marketing Strategy For Your E-Commerce Store

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