Digital Marketing Service For IT software solution provider

As India is going digital, IT industry in India is growing with rapid evolution. Softwares have become a necessity in today’s India. Every business industries need software to keep the functioning of business in an organized manner. Five factors such as the creation of urban infrastructure, abundant talent, conducive business environment, operational excellence, and continued growth in the domestic IT sector plays a crucial role in the overall growth of IT industry in India. But have you ever wondered that how those Multinational companies like Capgemini have been able to create brand awareness in India? The answer is not traditional marketing at all. But it is digital marketing.

What is Digital Marketing And Why You Should You Start Digital Marketing For Your Business?

India, being the second highest online market globally, has 462 million active internet users along with 226 million social media users. Such big figure shows the engagement that Indians has with Google and social media sites. But the most influential platform to create brand awareness is social media sites. Capgemini started its social media presence in 2010 in India. They started marketing their services on Google and social media platforms. Digital marketing is the online promotion of goods and services on Google and social media sites. Digital marketing not only will market your services but also give you measurable and historical data about user’s demographic information and user’s engagement with your ads which is not possible in traditional marketing. We at DigiManic can ensure effective digital marketing service for IT software solution providers. There are 3 strategies which we provide in digital marketing service for IT software solution providers. And those are:

Digital Marketing For It Software Solution Provider

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Digital Marketing Consultation


Let’s dig deeper to understand how these strategies will work for your IT business.

To Know More How We Can Built Digital Marketing Strategy For Your IT Software Solution Provider

How Will Social Media Marketing Create Brand Awareness Of Your Business? 

Social media marketing is the most influential platform in India with 226 social media users. Indians spend most of their time on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to connect with each other and for entertainment. It has improved the scope of social media marketing in India. Social media marketing is the online promotion of goods and services on social media sites. With the help of Facebook ads, you can run your ad campaign for different goals. You can target users as per their age, gender, demography, and profession. For example, you can target business owners between the age group of 25 to 55. Social media marketing helps to improve brand awareness, brand recognition, brand loyalty, and brand recall value. You can develop brand loyalty by actively posting images of your services and communicating with your existing consumers. With the help of social media marketing service for IT & software solution providers, you can develop brand recall value by repetitively showing the ads.

How Will Search Engine Marketing Grow Your Business?

SEM becomes the best option when you want to market your IT & software services very aggressively to only potential consumers. SEM is the paid form of online marketing of goods and services on Google. Paid ads grab the attention of the users as they are well created with attractive headline and description. The payment method in SEM is called PPC (Pay Per Click). It means you have to pay only when the users click on your Ad on Google. For example, you can target consumers at right place and the right time. You can target potential consumers as per the essential keywords they type to find IT & software solution on Google. Hence SEM service for IT & software solution providers gives you benefits like brand awareness, brand visibility, better ROI (Return On Investment), and potential traffic.

How Will SEO Increase Your Brand Visibility?

Everyone today uses the internet to search everything on Google. Let it be goods, services or ideas. And IT & software has become a crucial need in today’s technology world. Business owners who face regular problems in their software, always search for IT & software solution providers on Google. And you would surely like to display your website on Google whenever users will search for IT & software solution providers. You need SEO in such crucial time. SEO is the free form of online marketing of goods and services on Google. It is the online marketing technique to bring the website to the top of Google. So that you can get a competitive edge on Google. Because most of the users visit only those websites which appear on the first page of Google. Ranking of the websites is determined by Google on the basis of search engine guidelines. Effective SEO strategy gives you constant attention for a long period of time which will give you benefits like increase in brand visibility, brand awareness, and website traffic. With help of SEO services for IT & software solution providers, you can increase your brand visibility.

We at DigiManic, are determined to provide the above digital marketing service for IT & software solution providers in an efficient way. You can consult with us with regards to your digital marketing service for IT & software solution providers.

To Know More How We Can Built Digital Marketing Strategy For Your IT Software Solution Provider

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